Friday, July 19, 2013

Field Workout: Be Explosive

The follow is a great full body workout that is very explosive and will push you lungs and you muscles to their max. First, location. For this workout you do not need any equipment and it requires minimal space. A large athletic field or basketball court is perfect.

Like all of my workouts, start with a dynamic warm-up going back and fourth in a space about 15 meters long. Remember to take your time.
- Jog approximately 1/4 mile. (four basketball court laps)
- high knees; butt-kicks; A-skips; B-skips; lunges; grapevine squats; shuffle both directions (stay low).
- four 10m sprints from a standstill
- fence drills
- Stride out at a fast run (not a sprint) for approximately 40m, or the length of your area. Remember to truly stride out your steps, running smooth and fluid.

- 10 push-ups straight into 10 squat jumps; 30sec rest
- 10 push-ups straight into 10 squat jumps; 2min rest
For the next part, a set of suicides is one rotation of sprints. Set up 3 cones, as seen below.

Start_____________(10 m cone)_____________(20m cone)_______________(30m cone)
This is non-stop. Sprint to the 10m cone, touch your hand to the ground (try to alternate which direction you turn). Sprint to the start, touch your hand to the ground. Then to the 20m cone, start, 30m cone and run through the start as fast as you can. Explode out of each turn!
- 10 burpees straight into a set of suicides. 1min rest
- 10 burpees straight into a set of suicides. 1min rest
- 10 burpees straight into a set of suicides. 1min rest

- Jog 40m. Jog 40m back. 3min rest.
Start the next 4 sprints from a push-up position.
- Sprint 30m; 30sec rest
- Sprint 30m; 30sec rest
- Sprint 30m; 30sec rest
- Sprint 30m; 1min rest
- Clapping pushups to failure. 30sec rest. Regular pushups to failure.
- Static stretch
- Light jog

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