Thursday, July 25, 2013

Learn You Foods!

Learning your foods and basic nutritional facts is a crucial part losing weight, keeping it off, building muscle, or whatever your physical aspirations are. Take the time to read about what you are eating. Remember there is no point in wasting all your time in the gym if you are just going to throw it all away with poor nutrition.

I was guilty of this myself. It took me until I was about 21 years old before I even knew that most breads and pastas are made with sugar. I was always told that carbohydrates gave us energy and never thought for a second that those foods were not necessarily good for me.

Fun fact about grains: Ever wonder what the real difference is between a loaf of white bread and a loaf of whole grain bread? Why are they called whole grains? Well, whole grain is exactly what it is! Wheat is actually a three part grain, but after the refining process only one part of the grain remains, removing a majority of the grains nutritional value.

Learn about grain biology and nutritional value here -->

Fat burning foods:,,20553780,00.html

Muscle building foods:

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