Friday, July 12, 2013

Home Workout #1

The first home workout is great for anyone living in an apartment, where jumping around and making lots of noise simply isn't an option.

This workout is called a 30/30's. A 30/30 is when you do one exercise as many times as you can in 30 seconds and then take the next 30 seconds off before starting, in this case, the second exercise for 30 seconds.

For the first part of the workout we will do two exercises. The first is your standard push-up which can be altered depending on which muscles you want to focus on more. For today lets stick with the standard hands shoulder width apart, going down to 90 degrees and back up. The second exercise for the first 30/30 is a body weight squat. Starting standing up with you feet shoulder width apart and turned out just slightly. Go down to 90 degrees and return to the top.

While this workout is about how many you can do in 30 seconds remember that quality is always more important than quantity! So pace yourself through this.

Push-ups - 30 seconds
   Rest - 30 seconds
Body weight squat - 30 seconds
   Rest - 30 seconds
Push-ups - 30 seconds
   Rest - 30 seconds
Body weight squat - 30 seconds
   Rest - 30 seconds
Push-ups - 30 seconds
   Rest - 30 seconds
Body weight squat - 30 seconds
   Rest - 30 seconds

Next a quick abs exercise.

Bicycle crunches - 30 sec,,20412214,00.html
Plank - 1 minute
Rest - 30 sec
Bicycle crunches - 30 sec
Plank - 1 minute


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