Thursday, July 11, 2013

Fitness for Gamers

Heavy Gamer? Can't Workout?
Do you want to get in shape but don't think that it is worth the time to step away from your video game? Maybe you are a raid leader in World of Warcraft and a moment away is simply not worth the risk of loosing a solid player. Maybe you are up late every night playing games because that's when all the good players log on.

Hey! You still have time and you can still be healthy. I used to be a serious World of Warcraft player. Late nights and long hours putting together groups for Rated Battle Grounds. I understand the pressure and addiction involved with staying on these games day in and day out. I was there, and occasionally I still am. Despite this, I never lost a step with my fitness.

Most gamers feel like they get fat because they sit in front of a screen all day and never move. They aren't wrong, but they are forgetting something. The biggest problem is that most people who sit for long periods of time eat horribly. If you do not eat right you will never have the energy to workout in the first place.

My Advice
Realistically any serious gamer is going to have a hard time just dropping the controller and going to workout every day. Take baby steps. Do a little bit of homework on how to eat right and make an honest effort to improve your diet. Cut out the soda and chips while you play your games and cut up some celery. Eat some grapes. Substituting these "real" food for the fake ones will drastically increase the amount of vitamins going into your body. This, in turn, will give you more energy and you might even find yourself wanting to go be active after a while. A lot of people, even athletes, make the mistake of eating poorly. If you do not give your body the kinds of food it needs you will be wasting your time when you finally start working out. After a couple weeks on the new diet it will not feel like work anymore. Now you are ready to workout!

To be clear, I am not saying you should not workout. You should definitely workout. The above advice is for those people that feel tired and can never seem to keep up the motivation to workout.

What I Did
Earlier I said that I was serious World of Warcraft player for a few years, but never lost a step. How? Well, I have always been an active person, but yes, I was scared that spending endless hours in front of my computer playing games would destroy my physique. All I did was make little promises to myself. I would promise myself that every time I stood up from the game I would either do 10 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, or 10 body-weight squats. If I wasn't leading Battle Grounds that night I would do these exercises while I waited. Little self promises like this ad up. After four hours of gaming you might have done the equivalent of what most people do at the gym every day.

You don't need to stop playing games to take care of your body. Game on!

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