Sunday, July 14, 2013

Mix up the Routine

I am considered to be a very active person. I love working out regardless of what the workout is and I understand that not everyone is this way. Some people just don't like basketball, or running, or lifting. While there is absolutely no problem having one sport or activity that you like, there is a lot that can be said about being a well rounded athlete.

I contribute a lot of my rock climbing success to the fact that I am such a well rounded athlete. I could say that for any of the sports that I enjoy. Anyone who has played basketball with me knows that I am not actually good, but I'm coordinated and very fast, meaning I can pretty much hang in there with any crowd.

Don't be Afraid to do Other Things!
Besides just mixing up the routine to keep things more interesting (which is great!!), doing other workouts, like lifting weights, will help you to accomplish the goals of whatever your main sport might be. I see this problem with a lot of people, regardless of the sport. If you want improve at anything don't forget to look outside the box! Some people say that the best way to get better at something is to do it. I used to agree with that 100%. No longer. I see a lot of runners struggle to get faster even though they no longer get tired. I understand this. I used to be a 400meter sprinter in high school and I completely plateaued at 50.02 seconds even though I never got tired. The problem, my lungs were in perfect shape for the 400m but I wasn't powerful enough. Simply put, I wasn't strong enough to go faster. I didn't realize that until it is was too late, but there is a reason professional track athletes, football players, soccer players, and all sorts of other athletes lift weights. It works! And its safe! Taking care of your body by doing other things will make you better and keep you in the game longer.

If you play basketball with your friends a few times a week but just aren't quick enough to fly by them or out jump someone for a jump ball and you're tired of getting burned by the fast guys, start training outside your sport and starting lifting, or do circuits to make your legs more powerful. If you're a rock climber remember to keep your tendons healthy by doing apposing lifts, and staying lean by running.

Regardless of the sport there are other things that you can be doing to make yourself better. Don't get locked into a single obsession, because while you might initially see improvements it's not the best, or healthiest way.

Eat Healthy
Remember to eat healthy. You might not look like someone that needs to change their diet, but it's not something that will necessarily show on the outside. Eating well balanced meals made of "real foods" (non-processed) and packed with vitamins will take care of your joints, tendons, and body as whole, but also give your body the appropriate fuel to recover and preform at its best!

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