Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Great Trick for Consistent Workout Motivation

Here's a great trick I thought of for anyone looking for consistent motivation:

Think back to the last time you missed a workout and ask yourself why. Sleep in? Too "busy." Your show was on TV. I bet you don't come up with many good reasons that aren't solvable with something as simple as an earlier bed time or better time management.

This is going to work best for anyone that has a roommate of some kind, but will also work if you live alone.

At the end of every single day that you do not workout take a sticky-note or piece of paper and write "Today I did not workout because_______________. (Plus the date and your name)" Take that piece of paper and put it on the refrigerator. Leave it there until the next night. If you are really curious keep your excuses in a box to look back on at the end of the month.

If you have a roommate tell them what you are doing, and maybe have them join you. Doing this experiment will force you to see the excuses that you make up day after day. You will see these excuses and so will other people, so they better be good ones. You will find yourself skipping less workouts knowing that later you will have to write down why you couldn't do it.

This will certainly be an eye opening experiment for people that live alone, and potentially life changing for people with roommates. I would recommend trying this out for at least one month. After that you will probably be more aware of the way your own mind works and more adept to being self motivated.

Try it out!

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