Monday, July 22, 2013

Want to be Better: Plus Tips on How to Get There

A major factor that I believe contributes to most peoples athletic abilities and general good physical shape is their ability to push harder, even when no one else is around. I see a lot of people out there that settle for what they have and what they are. It is important that, as athletes, and as humans, we aspire to the best we can. Below are some simple tips that will help change you for the better.

  • When exercising, find it within yourself to push a little harder. Write out your workout before you go, as apposed to just making it up as you go. That way you have something to finish. This will also help prevent you from giving up, or calling it quits once you get tired.

  • When you are at the grocery store, do not even purchase foods that are bad for you (anything with refined sugars, etc.). That way, when you can no longer resist the urge, it is much more of an endeavor to cheat the diet.

  • When you are at the grocery store remember to read the labels. A lot of food companies pretend to be health, but they are not. Take Raisin Bran for example: Kellogg's advertises it as a healthy cereal, but if you read the ingredients you could just go eat Fruity Pebbles and be just as well off. So, be sure to read the ingredients!

  • When you play sports/games with other people, or by yourself remember to put effort into it. You might play basketball everyday, but how hard are you trying? Run up and down the court. Give it 100% of your effort 100% of the time.

  • Sleep often. As much as you would like to be going hard all the time, that's not how our bodies work. Make sure you are getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night. Let your body do what it needs to, to make sure you have the energy to do the things that you want to.

  • Allow for recovery time. Do not overdue anything, regardless of the sport. Your body needs time to recover and rebuild. There is not point in lifting, say chest, every day. Continuously breaking down muscle without giving it the chance to heal is pointless.

  • Include other people. Make it a point to include other people in your workouts and activities. This will make achieving your goals more fun and keep you more motivated on your journey.

 Have any tips or tricks of your own? Post them in the comment section below

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