Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year, New Goals, New YOU

Welcome to 2014!

Heading into the new year I'm sure all of you are set some fantastic new year resolutions. Regardless this is a reminder that if you want to kickin beach bod by May you need to start now. Here are a few goals to start you off in the right direction.

1. Eat NO processed sugars for at least one month.
              Read ingredients and try your best to stick to this. Doing so will not only make you look and feel better, but while being a stickler about ingredients you'll learn a lot about what is in the food you eat.

2. Workout 4 times a week.
              Four or more. No matter what make sure you get at least four workouts in a week. If your feeling good one day and already crushed the gym that morning, there is nothing wrong with working out again that night. If you lifted in the A.M. do some cardio at night.

3. Average 8hrs of sleep a night.
             No more, no less. Getting the right amount of sleep with keep your energy levels up, making other goals easier.

4. Cardio twice a week.
             Even if your a lifter, it is important for your overall health to keep your lungs in shape. Not to mention, it will help you lean and cut up for the desired fitness model like body.

5. Healthy Food Monday through Friday
            Sometimes trying to dedicate to a 100% clean diet is just too much. An easier version of your classic diet, eat only healthy foods Monday through Friday. On the weekends you can still satisfy those old, by dying, urges. If you can cut out sugars and processed foods Monday through Friday you'll find yourself not ever enjoying those cheat meals on the weekend.

There you go! Just a few simple goals to get your 2014 off to the right start.

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