Saturday, July 27, 2013

"Distance Run" :Breaking up the Boring Nature

Hate the monotonous nature of distance running? Me too!! So you hate the boring aspect of distance running but feel a good long run would benefit you from time to time. I'll tell you what I do.

Generally, for me anyways, trail running helps a lot. Unlike running on sidewalk or rail-trail, you cannot just zone out while doing true trail running. You have to stay focused on your footing as to not roll and ankle or worse. This slightly breaks up the monotonous nature of running and you won't even notice the miles flying by. Trail running is also better on your joints and shins because you are running on soft dirt as apposed to hard pavement that takes it toll over time.

Another trick I use to get over the monotony of running distance is to break it up into more of an interval style workout. Say you have a set distance in mind that you want to cover during your run. Get your watch out and time it. Don't pay attention to the distance, pay attention to the time. Start off at a light jog for 2 minutes and once you hit that 2 minute mark sprint for 1 minute. Once the minutes is over return to a jog and repeat this until you have reached your desired distance. You will be surprised by how quickly the distance disappears when you aren't thinking about it.

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