Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Explosive, Muscle Burning, Lung Busting, Workout

The workout I'm posting today is the type of workout that should be incorporated into your regiment at least once a week. The primary focus is explosive power and fast paced repetition to increase lung capacity, power, and recovery time. Basically this is the difference between being in shape and being an athlete. These types of movements translate to all sports making you quicker, stronger, and able to outlast your opponents.

Example Workout:
Like all workouts start with a slow run for about 3-4min and a dynamic stretch. This is more important for this style of workout than any other due to the nature of the movements.

Start this workout doing the following exercises in order:
Rest time is a casual walk from one station to the next. This is more of an extension of the warm-up to prepare your body for what's to come

10 pushups - 10 bodyweight squats - 10 pull-ups - 10 frog jumps - 10 dips - 20 bodyweight lunges

Rest and stretch out

Now increase the difficulty minutely to by adding a small pop to the following exercises:
10 popping pushups (hands 1 inch off ground) - 10 slow squat jumps - 5 hoping pull-ups (hands elevate off bar)

Take a breather and stretch out anything still feeling tight.

Full Intensity: I must emphasize that while each part of the workout is without breaks, this is no reason to sacrifice form! This is NOT about doing the exercises as fast as you can, but rather doing them as explosively as you can.

Part 1: No Breaks
10 dips with explosive hop
12 tuck jumps (this is not a full squat, as soon as your toes touch the ground explode back up, bringing your knees to your chest)
10 dips with explosive hop
12 tuck jumps

2 min rest

Part 2: No Breaks
10 clapping pull-ups
10 squat jumps (High as you can!)
10 clapping pull-ups
10 squat jumps

2 min rest

Part 3: No Breaks
10 two handed kettlebell swings (explode out from the hips; arms like cables)
10 slow paces, but explosive medicine ball slams
10 two handed kettlebell swings
10 slow paces, but explosive medicine ball slams

2 min rest

Part 4: No Breaks
10 clapping pushups
20 scissor lunges
10 clapping pushups
20 scissor lunges
10 clapping pushups
20 scissor lunges

2 min rest

Part 5: No Breaks
10 burpees with full pushups
20 Russian twist slamming the medicine ball on each side
10 brupees
20 Russian twist

2 min rest

Finish the workout with a muscle burnout
Holding the medicine ball: 40 pulse squats
20 diamond pushups
Holding the medicine ball: 40 pulse squats
20 diamond pushups

DONE! If you did the workout right, taking no break, pushing as hard as you could, exploding as high off the ground in each rep as you could, then you're lungs and your muscles should be screaming.

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