Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Little About Me

It is important to note that I am not a professional athlete, licensed trainer, or expert at any one fitness objective. I am a regular guy that REALLY likes to be active and I understand my body.

What I do know is my body, how it works, and what I need to do to accomplish my physical goals. I am 24yrs old and weighed 155lbs since I was 17 years old. In the past four weeks I have started to focus on changing that. I am currently 172lbs, and as far as I can tell, I have not put on any fat.

My current program (made by me) consists of the following:

Monday: 8am lift - chest, legs, shoulders, triceps, upper abs
               5pm interval training
Tuesday: 8am lift - back (lower and upper), biceps, lower abs
               5pm interval training
Wednesday: One workout: bodyweight training

Thursday: Off

Friday: Full body high reps lift

Saturday: Active day: Usually two of the following: track workout, tennis, boxing, climbing, swimming.

Sunday: Off

I'm not a nutritionist, and with my body type/activity level I do not have to be as careful as some people. I am currently trying to bulk. I am eating 4-5 full meals a day plus snacking. I try very had to avoid processed foods and sugars. I eat eggs almost every morning packed with veggies and fill the rest of my day with lean proteins as best as I can, though I am not too picking because I love me a big'ol steak!

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