Thursday, February 13, 2014

Know Your Kitchen + One Great Dinner

Want to be healthy? Get to know your kitchen! Your relationship with the kitchen shouldn't be like one of those "friends" you only see when you have to and might be a little scared of because you never know what they'll do next....we all know someone like that. And it's not a pit stop on your way to the TV. Nope, none of that. The kitchen should be your best friend, always there for you before work, the bright sunshine in your morning, and even a cold floor to sit on after a bad breakup. You and your kitchen deserve to take care of each other.

That being said, healthy starts in the kitchen! Workout all week, great, but in the end of the day, the thing that is going to keep you healthy till you're old and grey is your kitchen.

Rethink your kitchen. First off, and a probably the most problematic device to ever enter the kitchen is your microwave. The microwave should be used for two things, warming up leftovers and defrosting meats. It is not for heating up instant meals or, and despite what I thought as a child, not for standing in front of for long periods of time in hopes of gaining superpowers via the minuscule amounts of radiation pumping into my face.....


Personally, it has taken some time for me to truly understand my kitchen, how to cook, and what to cook. And I'm still learning, always will be. The best way to learn how to cook, and to best understand your kitchen, is to simply get in there and try new things. Open a cookbook, pick a page, and try it out. Do this once a week and you'll be confident home chef in no time.

Here's a little something my girlfriend and I whipped up about a week ago out of my newest cookbook: The Feed Zone...

This was an Orange Chicken marmalade dish with a Roasted Beets and Greens salad. Hannah also added popped Quinoa to the salad which I think added a great flavor and a necessary crunch to the recipe.



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