Sunday, September 22, 2013

Whatever YOU want: Just be Active

For so many people, motivation is by far the most difficult part about staying or getting back in shape. We always hear things like, "I hate running," "I don't like lifting," "the gym is so intimidating," and "I'm not built for that." Like ol' Benjamin Franklin  said, “he that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.”   And lets face the facts, no matter what you tell yourself, the excuse has nothing to do with the activity, but everything to do with your unwillingness to make an effort to try. To try something new, to try something you are scared to do, to try and find something you would like to do. These are un-rational fears that we make up in our own minds to cover up the laziness and weakness we are afraid to see in ourselves.

I'm not saying that you have to force yourself to do something you hate. I've said it before and I'll say it again, find something that makes you happy and stick to it, because being happier and healthier is the goal. Most of us, and certainly no one reading this, is a professional athlete. That means we don't have to "train." You aren't training to be competitive, you're living to be happier.

Being in shape and healthy doesn't mean you have to go and avoid awkward eye contact in the gym everyday in fear that someone is judging you. Find something that you truly enjoy, something that you can do that doesn't even seem like working out. If you find something like that, something that will keep you active and happy almost everyday, that's all you need to do.

If you aren't one for working out, but maybe you like being outside, perhaps walking the dog, make an effort to hop on your computer for a couple minutes and find a new place to go. A State Park to go hiking in, a trail you never knew about, maybe you just like looking at houses and you can just walk around different neighborhoods dreaming of your next home. I'm trying to say that it really doesn't matter. The difference between, staying the way you are, and living a long, fulfilling, healthy life is staying active (and eating healthy).  Plus, you could and probably will save thousands and thousands of dollars in doctor visits and medications.

Stop making excuses and start living better today, not tomorrow. "Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today."

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