Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How in shape are you? Master your bodyweight

Attempting to determine how "in shape" you are is a weird and tricky objective. After all, what does it mean to be "in shape?" Are all professional athletes "in shape" even though a world strong man probably can't run a 7min mile? Being "in shape" really depends on your goals, but for most normal people mastering your body should be the first step before attempting to tackle any other fitness goes.

Bodyweight Before Weights:
Achieving a mastery over your own weight is not only important for measuring your fitness level, but it is also very important in preventing injury. If you cannot do a bodyweight squat with perfect 90 degree form and a locked out back, do not get under a barbell and risk injury. Start your fitness goals by first achieving your bodyweight goals.

Where to Start:
If you are a true beginner and are looking for a place to start grab a friend or a mirror and work at first being able to do 10 perfect push-ups and 10 perfect bodyweight squats. Why a mirror or a friend? So often, especially with beginners, people see others doing exercises and attempt them, either not knowing proper form or not realizing what they look like when attempting certain exercises. Having a mirror or a friend will help you correct your form early on so that doing them incorrectly does not become a habit or muscle memory, making it significantly harder to fix later.

Doing exercises correctly is important, not only to prevent injury, but also to get the most out of your workouts. If you spend three weeks at the gym, I bet you want to see three weeks of results. Don't waste your time, get a friend or a mirror and make sure that you are doing exercises and lifts correctly.

Remember, even if you've been working out for a long time, occasionally it can be a good idea to reassess your form to make sure nothing has changed over time.

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