Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Suicides: Parking Lot

The following is a suicides workout. Don't jump ahead and kill yourself, though you might want to after this workout. Suicides are essentially a continuous sprint: sprint to a line, touch the line, and explode out of your turn. Sprint back to the start, plant your foot, explode out of the turn sprint to a different line, and so on.

Anyways, most people either know what a suicide is, or have heard of it. If your going out of your way to read a fitness blog, I'll bet you get the point. But here's a few things to remember: When doing suicides always turn in alternating directions to balance out your body. This means that, for the sake of the example, you are always sprinting East to West and West to East. Every time you turn you should be turning towards the North. So one way you are planting with you right foot and the other with your left. This is not only important for keeping you legs in equilibrium, but also your core because you are touching your hands down the line and will surprisingly get one hell of a core workout out of it. Which brings me to my second reminder. Touch the line!! Like anything else you are doing, you need to make the most out of your workout. Don't cheat yourself, there is no reason to display laziness when working out, it defeats the purpose. Lastly, make sure you are exploding out of the turns, lazy, half effort turns, will completely defeat the purpose of doing suicides. You mine as well go jog for a 30min because it will be the same thing. No! You need to touch the line and explode out of the turn as fast as you can. This is the single most important part of the workout. The part that separates it from anything else. Build that explosive power through your whole body, drive with your legs, push with you core, and pull with your arms!!

This workout will build the real world, game time, strength, speed, and stamina, needed in any sport. No other workout will replicate the movements and the pace that you'll need on any athletic field like this. The turns, the quick bursts or power, the brief moments of rest, and the quick recovery needed to go full speed all game.

Parking Lot Workout:
Parking lots....the perfectly convenient, already set-up place for suicides. Be as creative as you want with this, go out to any empty parking lot and make up a suicides workout using the lines. Use a few, use them all, up to you. Bellow is one I've made up for you if you don't feel like being creative....it's a killer.

First, you'll need a watch. Set a time that is appropriate for your recovery (I chose 1 min). Next, bring a cone, or a bottle, or whatever to mark specific lines with. It can be hard to focus on your target line during these sprints.

Phase 1
Sprint to the first line, then back (don't stop)
Turn! Second line, then back
Turn! Third line, then back
Turn! Last line, then back (if your in a really big parking lot, just use line 10) Turn and back. This is a long sprint and it's OK to stride out a bit, but make sure you still explode out of the turn.

1 min rest. 

Phase 2
Sprint to line 3, then back
Turn! line 4, then back
Turn! line 3, then back
Turn! line 2, then back (sprint through the finish!!)

1 min rest.

20 Spiderman push-ups

1 min rest.

Phase 1 (Repeat phase 1 above)

1 min rest.

Phase 2 (Repeat phase 2 above)

1 min rest.

20 Spiderman push-ups

1 min rest.

Phase 3!!!
Line 2
Line 2
Last line
Last line

That is approximately 20min of working out and if you can crank that out, you're a BEAST!! Remember to do a dynamic stretch before and a static stretch after. Foam roll when you get home.

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