Don't forget it! Maybe write your goals down somewhere, stick it to your fridge so you see it from time to time, but don't ever forget the overall goal. Happiness! Isn't that, after all, the reason we workout. Whether it is because we enjoy working out and being active, or maybe so that we look and feel better, making us more confident and happier people.

There are ways to make your workouts fun. There are ways to live a high calorie burning lifestyle while spending minimal amounts of time in the gym. But you have to figure it out for yourself. Everyone is different and what is a great idea for a fun active lifestyle to one person might sound terrible idea to another.
Schedule activities! Get a group of friends or a friend and schedule active things to do. Go kick a soccer ball around for old times sake. Or make up obstacle courses on playgrounds. Get online and look up parks nearby to go hiking in. Try new things! Maybe rock climbing would be a fun new experience for you an a friend. The possibly are endless if you aren't afraid to look. Living an active lifestyle like this could easily be the difference between losing your belly for good or losing your belly and getting it back.
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