Thursday, August 8, 2013

Wake Up Better: Eat Breakfast

One massive mistake people make when trying to lose weight is skipping breakfast! Don't skip breakfast people! If you are trying to accomplish anything, whether it is bulking up, toning down, losing weight, or just trying to have more energy every day, you need to eat breakfast. It is hands down the most important meal of the day.

Eating breakfast kick starts your metabolism when you wake up, gives energy for the day, and makes you less hungry throughout the day. Simply put, when your body has food going into it your metabolism is working harder. Meaning, eating a big breakfast, and continuing to eat will actually allow you to lose weight while eating more. Who would have guessed?? Actually, a recent article out of Tel Aviv University explains just why breakfast is so good for you and there are incredible health benefits beyond just the weight lose. According to the article link below eating a healthy breakfast lowers the risk of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol. After monitoring two groups of women over 12 weeks, those who ate breakfast lost on average 11.2 more pounds more than those who did not eat breakfast. Read more about this study and the stunning results that will make breakfast your favorite meal of the day, if it wasn't already!

Food = Energy

More Food: Less Energy Substitutes
You skipped breakfast because you are trying to lose weight? Now you are at work tired and worthless so you start chugging energy drinks and coffee. This happens all the time and it is extremely counterproductive and unhealthy. Consider first what goes into your energy drinks: caffeine, B-12, and sugar. That is essentially all that energy drinks are. This is a blast of momentary energy that will leave you jittery and shaking for about an hour or two and leave you dragging and defeated shortly after. Not to mention eating processed sugars isn't a part of any diet. And I'm talking about the same processed sugars that most Americans put in their coffee every day! If you are looking for another reason to get off the energy drinks, think about this: two to three days after drinking an energy drinks your heart will sometimes show a small heart murmur on an EKG....try and tell me that's normal.

To be clear, I am not saying that coffee is bad, but if you are going to drink coffee drink it black or with milk. Avoid putting sugar and sweeteners in anything.

Protein Breakfast
Eating a breakfast with protein will help keep you fuller longer. This will also help fuel your muscles and allow them to work harder and burn up more fat. Eggs, bacon, ham, steak, protein pancakes, and nuts are all great examples of protein breakfast foods that will keep you from getting hungry just a couple hours later.

More Early
Remember, breakfast is the most important meal of the day! So, if you are going to go big for any meal during the day, make it breakfast. You have all day to burn up that energy (and you will).

- Breakfast kick starts your metabolism for the day and gives you the energy you need.
- Protein early in the day will help keep you fuller longer.
- Avoid unhealthy energy substitutes like energy drinks and sugar.

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