Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Sprints and Circuit: Track OR Field

I designed the following workout to build speed and explosive power. It can be done in any open area though I personally prefer an outside track or turf field.

Like all my workouts, start with a dynamic warm-up. See previous workouts for warm-up descriptions.

The first six sprints are essentially a step up from the warm-up to help you open up your stride. Focus on form! Head up, relax the muscles in your face and stretch out your stride. These sprints cover about 100m or roughly the length of a soccer field.

-Three stage progressive run: break up the 100m into three evenly separated sections. We'll say around 30m. For the first 30m run at about 50% max speed. When you reach the 30m mark pick up your speed to 70% until the 60m mark and then pick up the pace to 90% for the remainder of the 100m. Do this two times.

50%__________70%___________90%___________100m.......x2 (walk back rests)

-Two stage progressive run: Just like the previous two sprints the next two also cover 100m. These are two stage, meaning there are two speeds as apposed to the three speeds in the above sprint. Run at 50% for 50m and when you hit that mark really try and make the fast turnover to 95% for the remaining 50m. Do not slowly speed up. The point is to work on your turnover speed.

50%_________________95%__________________100m.........x2 (walk back rests)

-Two stage reverse run: Reverse does not mean running backwards. It simply means that you are starting out fast and then slowing down, or striding out. This one is also two stages but the first 50m is 95% (fast off the line) and the second 50m is at 70%. Really try to relax and focus on your form for the second 50m.

95%_________________70%__________________100m........x2 (walk back rests)

2 minute break

Circuit: For the following circuit there are no breaks. Your rest comes after each rotation of the circuit during a 200m jog, or down and back on a soccer field.

-10 dynamic push-ups
-10 regular push-ups
-10 squat jumps
-10 regular squats
-Jog 200m
Repeat the about circuit three times!

2 minute break
- Do five 30m 100% sprints with walk back breaks
2 minute break
- Rolling plank (1min center, 30sec left, 30sec right, 1min center)
- 30 second pulse squats
- Rolling plank
- 30 second pulse squats

Done!! Stretch!

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