Monday, January 27, 2014

Don't Count On Calories

It's time we had this talk.

Let me guess, you're trying to lose weight so you're counting calories? I've got some bad news for you. No matter how you break it down, your 100 calorie pack of Oreo's will never be good for you. But get this, if you eat food that is actually healthy, you can eat more of it, still lose weight, and never be hungry. Fact.

Don't get me wrong, this isn't the end all be all solution to fitness, but it is a must. If you aren't putting the right foods in you body, it will catch up with you. Even people that are naturally skinny but shovel cookies and french-fries into their face all day will eventually see the consequences to what they have been eating. Not necessarily by gaining weight, but in other ways...less fun ways.

Exercising frequently and living an active lifestyle are still must do's. We aren't stagnant creatures. We are humans, primates, animals, however you want to break it down, but we have to move, it's in our nature.

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