Monday, January 27, 2014

Don't Count On Calories

It's time we had this talk.

Let me guess, you're trying to lose weight so you're counting calories? I've got some bad news for you. No matter how you break it down, your 100 calorie pack of Oreo's will never be good for you. But get this, if you eat food that is actually healthy, you can eat more of it, still lose weight, and never be hungry. Fact.

Don't get me wrong, this isn't the end all be all solution to fitness, but it is a must. If you aren't putting the right foods in you body, it will catch up with you. Even people that are naturally skinny but shovel cookies and french-fries into their face all day will eventually see the consequences to what they have been eating. Not necessarily by gaining weight, but in other ways...less fun ways.

Exercising frequently and living an active lifestyle are still must do's. We aren't stagnant creatures. We are humans, primates, animals, however you want to break it down, but we have to move, it's in our nature.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

All Core

Todays core crushing workout was and has been a favorite of mine for some time now. So far, this is the one core exercise that I can really feel hitting all parts of my core.

This can be done your arms bent at 90 degrees or with bar straps to decrease the difficulty.

This is essentially just leg lifts, but instead of lifting your legs directly out in front of you, lift and twist them to a point off to one side activating your oblique's. Keep your shoulders square (as seen in picture), this is a core workout not an upper body workout.
A lot of people have trouble keeping their legs straight due to a lack in flexibly strength. Don't cheat the workout, just lift your legs as high as you can.
An alternative for anyone that needs to easy up this exercise a little is start with bend knees. Lift your knees up to 90 degrees and try to straighten them out and touch a point on the right and left sides. 

Friday, January 17, 2014

At Home Favorite

I always thought I was good at coming up with "at home" workouts. Then I hit unemployment. All of a sudden I can't afford a gym membership and that fitness creativity got pushed to a whole new level. After only a week in the new apartment, I'm starting to think that gym memberships, like most things, really are a massive luxury.

I will of course get a gym membership as soon as I have money and I recommend that you do the same, but when you can't afford it, or just can't make it one night, that's no reason not to workout. You have a surface to stand on and that's all you need with a little creativity and personal drive.

My current "at home" favorite workout: One leg, weighted, box squats.

This isn't just a leg workout. This exercise works your legs, butt, shoulders, abs, back, biceps.....yeah, pretty much everything.

As seen in the picture above. Hold weights (I use 25lb dumbbells) with elbows at 90 degrees. Do one legged squats down to a surface (chair) at, or just above, knee height. Touch down to the chair but do not fully weight it, keep the tension in your leg.

These should be slow and controlled all the way through. Do not put your non-active leg on the ground for stability at any time. Use your core for stability.

What I do:
Warm-up by doing two sets of 20 bodyweight squats, slow and controlled. Then get your chair and do 5 one legged squats to the chair on each leg.


Now do 10 reps per leg.

Next, grab one 25lb dumbbell (more or less is fine) and do 5 reps per leg.


Next, do 10 reps per leg with the 25lb dumbbell.


Now get both dumbbells (50lbs total) and go back to 5 reps per leg.

End with both dumbbells and 10 reps per leg.

***Remember to hold the dumbbells at 90 degrees***

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year, New Goals, New YOU

Welcome to 2014!

Heading into the new year I'm sure all of you are set some fantastic new year resolutions. Regardless this is a reminder that if you want to kickin beach bod by May you need to start now. Here are a few goals to start you off in the right direction.

1. Eat NO processed sugars for at least one month.
              Read ingredients and try your best to stick to this. Doing so will not only make you look and feel better, but while being a stickler about ingredients you'll learn a lot about what is in the food you eat.

2. Workout 4 times a week.
              Four or more. No matter what make sure you get at least four workouts in a week. If your feeling good one day and already crushed the gym that morning, there is nothing wrong with working out again that night. If you lifted in the A.M. do some cardio at night.

3. Average 8hrs of sleep a night.
             No more, no less. Getting the right amount of sleep with keep your energy levels up, making other goals easier.

4. Cardio twice a week.
             Even if your a lifter, it is important for your overall health to keep your lungs in shape. Not to mention, it will help you lean and cut up for the desired fitness model like body.

5. Healthy Food Monday through Friday
            Sometimes trying to dedicate to a 100% clean diet is just too much. An easier version of your classic diet, eat only healthy foods Monday through Friday. On the weekends you can still satisfy those old, by dying, urges. If you can cut out sugars and processed foods Monday through Friday you'll find yourself not ever enjoying those cheat meals on the weekend.

There you go! Just a few simple goals to get your 2014 off to the right start.