Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Workout and Eat Healthy, Be Kind

Workout, Eat Healthy, Be Kind....

Not that everyone shouldn't always be kind, but I mean this in the sense of fitness and nutrition. Why is the weight room a place of awkward staring and obvious judgments, when it could be a place of community and encouragement?

Everyone starts somewhere. Just because you've made it to most peoples goals and dreams doesn't give you the right to judge and glare at people getting started. You could be the difference maker in someone else's transformation with a simple kind comment for the day. Something like "hey, let me know if you'll need a spot," "no? alright, keep up the good work," could be the difference between someone giving up or coming back with confidence for the next month.

Little things can make the difference. Keep an open mind for opportunities to make the difference in someone's day.

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