Saturday, December 28, 2013

Quirky Fitness Invention

Dear readers,

Please visit my Quirky page and vote on my Work Chair Workouts adapter invention. Help me bring fitness to the office.

Follow the link below and give me a vote.


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Workout and Eat Healthy, Be Kind

Workout, Eat Healthy, Be Kind....

Not that everyone shouldn't always be kind, but I mean this in the sense of fitness and nutrition. Why is the weight room a place of awkward staring and obvious judgments, when it could be a place of community and encouragement?

Everyone starts somewhere. Just because you've made it to most peoples goals and dreams doesn't give you the right to judge and glare at people getting started. You could be the difference maker in someone else's transformation with a simple kind comment for the day. Something like "hey, let me know if you'll need a spot," "no? alright, keep up the good work," could be the difference between someone giving up or coming back with confidence for the next month.

Little things can make the difference. Keep an open mind for opportunities to make the difference in someone's day.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Circuit Workout: Time for Reps

Did a killer circuit workout with my girlfriend at the gym today. This is also where I came to the realization that my lungs are completely out of shape. Winter sucks! It's so hard to work everything you want, mainly cardio. I might be opting for that winter bulk training.

Anyways, about that workout.

I'm not going to juice up this description with reasoning's and explanations. If you want to know why we did what we did, go back and read some older posts to figure out where I'm coming from. Whoa sassy! Who am I?

Anyways, getting to the workout. Here it is. But before I start, (Get to the point already! You must be saying. It's because I care) the second exercise I'm just going to call "core twists" because I don't know what it's actually called. Please comment if you know. Start in an up pushup position then rotate to the side and reach for the ceiling, hold for 2sec back to start other side up for 2sec, and so on.

As always, start with a good dynamic warm-up.

The workout:

1. Pushups for 45sec - 15sec rest
2. Core Twists for 45sec - 15sec rest
3. Pulse Squats for 45sec - 15sec rest
4. One Leg side-to-side hops for 45sec -15sec rest

5. Sprint 1/4 mile - 30sec rest.

Repeat 5 times.

If you're a real badass switch exercise #4 to jump tucks. ...We started that way but couldn't make it.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Eat Vegetables Don't Be a Vegetable

Living an active lifestyle isn't just about going to the gym everyday. Being adventurous and spending your off time in the right way can be the difference maker in seeing the weight change you're looking for.

According to the average person will burn around 250 calories in 60min of general household cleaning.

See where you stand:

The changes don't stop there. Think about different things you could be doing in your down time to not only burn calories, but also to be productive. If indoor cleaning was 250 calories per hour, imagine how many calories you'll burn when you're outside working on your yard.

Obviously all cleaning, yard work, and labor work are, without a doubt, going to help you cut the pounds. But, don't confuse these things as a replacement for proper weight training and cardio. At the end of the day, eating clean and working out on a regular basis is still the best way to look the way you want.