Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Momma Doesn't Always Know Best

As of late the pressure of life has prevented me from posting much of anything on this blog. That being said, I have a list of things I've been thinking about day after day as I listen to the people around me.

Common trend provoking this post: You just don't know bro!

I hear things almost every day regarding diet and exercise that drive me crazy! Why? Because people just don't how unhealthy their habits are, despite attempting to be healthy. I'll try to skim over my current pet-peeves for now and save the rest for later posts, but the main point of this post is to remind people that a little research goes a long way.

Which brings me to my first point...
       Just because your momma said it was healthy don't make it so. Ideas about health have evolved drastically over the years and thankfully old trends are dying. Case in point, people from our parents generation (born in the 50's-70's) knew very little about nutrition compared to what we know now. Credit that likely falls to the internet and the current health and fitness boom we are currently entering due to the availability of knowledge. So, you think you know something about health? Seriously, for your own good, go online and do some research regarding you current fitness goals and form your own opinion.

Current pet-peeve:
  • Health isn't based around calories! 100 calories of Oreo's will never be healthy, I don't care who you ask. Calorie counting should be well calculated around your fitness goals. For the average person, avoiding excessive consumption and eating a well balanced diet will more than suffice.

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