Wednesday, February 26, 2014

It Sucks the Right Amount...

Got to be straight with the readers and general fitness pursuers. There is no easy way. There is, and never will be a get fit quick trick. The only "trick" out there is to find something that sucks just the right amount. Not so bad that you quit, and not bad enough that nothing changes. It has to suck just the right amount. You find something like that and all your left with is hard work. Not saying that those DVDs Beachbody comes out with won't work, they will if you do them. But there is no trick to what they do. They just tell you it works, you believe them, and all of a sudden your losing weight because you're actually doing something for an hour each day. But that's the point, you found something that sucks just the right amount. So if that's what it takes to get you working out on a regular basis then do it!

Whatever you do, do it right, and push yourself. Hard work is the only real trick.

My forearm after a hangboard workout. Climb on.

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