Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Better Food

A few days ago I was very happy to see that Fred Meyer (Kroger) started carrying organic GRASS FED beef!! Fantastic step in the right direction.

If you haven't already seen it, I highly encourage people to watch Food, Inc. It's on Netflix instant watch. More about it here. http://www.takepart.com/foodinc/film

This documentary will teach you a lot about where food comes from. It's filled with great facts, but as an animal lover I was most interested in the livestock parts. They aren't supposed to eat corn people!

Anyways, go check it out. Well worth your time. "every food purchase is a vote for what you want"  be the change

Monday, May 12, 2014

Beginner Rock Climbing Training

Lots of people ask me how to get good at rock climbing. It's actually kind of a weird question and it has a million different answers that are all correct. Here's the thing, if you're just starting out, lets say 5 months or less, the best real advice I can give is to be patient. Like anything, with time comes improvement. If you climb on a regular basis, the first year you're doing it will hands down, be your biggest spike in improvement.

Just about every climber out there has had someone at some point say something to them like, "I could never do that!" or "I don't have the upper body for climbing." Untrue. Absolutely anyone can climb. It might feel impossible at first, but that's just because you are doing something that your body is completely not used to. Get to the gym, or outside, about 2-3 times a week when you are starting out. Depending on how long each session is, 4 days a week is fine as well. You body will quickly adjust to the new sport and you'll be climbing 5.10 or V3 before you know it.

Start out Bouldering or Top Rope?
To be honest it doesn't matter. At the early stages in your climbing career your main goal is to just spend time on the wall, whichever way you prefer. I will say that if you expect to improve to that V3 5.10 range and up, it is important to spend a decent amount of time bouldering. Bouldering will add valuable weapons, or moves, to your arsenal that you will need to draw on later. Bouldering will also give you valuable time spent learning how to read rocks to see the best possible route.