Monday, November 18, 2013

Winter Wonder Land

Winter is just about here people. This is the season when we: eat like crap for the holidays; skip the gym because it gets dark at 5pm; And avoid outside exercises because it's cold and uncomfortable. If you've ever felt like you lose a little weight but it always comes back, this season might be your downfall. Go back and read over some of my older posts and start whipping out every trick in the book you need to stay motivated.

By far the most popular post I have for consistent motivation is written back in August. You might find that this specific trick becomes very interesting around this time of the year.

That being said, it is important to take a break from your primary sport or exercise once in a blue moon for a week or two. Take advantage of the bad weather and daylight savings time to try new things and give your body a little bit of a rest. I do strongly encourage everyone to try new things! Perhaps swimming will become your winter exercise. If you're primarily a cardio person, winter could be the perfect time to cut out the cardio and build up the muscle (or vice versa).

No matter what you do, just keep on doing. We aren't bears, we don't need to fatten up for the winter. So, stop telling yourself that it's ok and you'll burn it off come spring. Start thinking like that and you'll just be weak and flabby come shorts season.