Friday, January 17, 2014

At Home Favorite

I always thought I was good at coming up with "at home" workouts. Then I hit unemployment. All of a sudden I can't afford a gym membership and that fitness creativity got pushed to a whole new level. After only a week in the new apartment, I'm starting to think that gym memberships, like most things, really are a massive luxury.

I will of course get a gym membership as soon as I have money and I recommend that you do the same, but when you can't afford it, or just can't make it one night, that's no reason not to workout. You have a surface to stand on and that's all you need with a little creativity and personal drive.

My current "at home" favorite workout: One leg, weighted, box squats.

This isn't just a leg workout. This exercise works your legs, butt, shoulders, abs, back, biceps.....yeah, pretty much everything.

As seen in the picture above. Hold weights (I use 25lb dumbbells) with elbows at 90 degrees. Do one legged squats down to a surface (chair) at, or just above, knee height. Touch down to the chair but do not fully weight it, keep the tension in your leg.

These should be slow and controlled all the way through. Do not put your non-active leg on the ground for stability at any time. Use your core for stability.

What I do:
Warm-up by doing two sets of 20 bodyweight squats, slow and controlled. Then get your chair and do 5 one legged squats to the chair on each leg.


Now do 10 reps per leg.

Next, grab one 25lb dumbbell (more or less is fine) and do 5 reps per leg.


Next, do 10 reps per leg with the 25lb dumbbell.


Now get both dumbbells (50lbs total) and go back to 5 reps per leg.

End with both dumbbells and 10 reps per leg.

***Remember to hold the dumbbells at 90 degrees***

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